Matt Judd Appointed USA Southeast Regional Director

What’s Ahead for the Southeast Region? The NASSA Implementation Team has been working closely with Matt Judd about the NASSA implementation work ahead for the US Southeast Region with Matt making the following statement: “I am excited for the opportunity to be part of not only the Southeast Region of NASSA, but also excited to… Continue reading Matt Judd Appointed USA Southeast Regional Director

Chris Cawthorne Appointed USA South Central Regional Director

What’s Ahead for the USA South Central Region? Work has already started with establishing 2022-2023 USA South Central Regional Initiatives to promote silhouette growth within the region. Chris has also started working with several other NASSA Regional Directors to leverage resources where mutual cooperation is beneficial. A preliminary listing of initiatives for the South Central… Continue reading Chris Cawthorne Appointed USA South Central Regional Director

Sporting Rifle Silhouette Comes to the USA

USA SOUTWEST REGION – Remember the name Sporting Rifle (Open Sights) Silhouette. It probably doesn’t mean anything to most of you, although is an extremely popular smallbore rifle silhouette discipline in the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California. Open sights are usually attached to the front and rear barrel rather than on the action… Continue reading Sporting Rifle Silhouette Comes to the USA

2022 Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships

USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – The 2022 Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships, held on November 12th-13th of 2022, finished up the last smallbore silhouette championship match of our season in style! As you can see from the group photo, we had a great turnout with 46 shooters coming from Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Coahuila (Mexico) and… Continue reading 2022 Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships

Lones W. Wigger, Jr. – The Making of a Champion

Many Silhouette shooters had the pleasure of shooting with Lones W. Wigger, Jr. over the years. While Silhouette was not his primary focus, he did love our game and was a two-time winner of the NRA High Power Silhouette National Championships. He was also a four-time Olympian and the most decorated shooter in the history… Continue reading Lones W. Wigger, Jr. – The Making of a Champion

A Chat with Chris Winstead

We meet many people such as Chris Winstead in this Silhouette Sport that inspire us through their deeds and actions. In this 2nd blog in our Inspiration Series, I talked with Chris, well known in the silhouette world for his knowledge of our sport and coaching/spotting for his daughter Cathy Winstead-Severin to an unprecedented level… Continue reading A Chat with Chris Winstead