Below you will find Mexico Championship Matches (FEMETI Sanctioned) as well as links to the hosting gun club profiles and match programs. Your NASSA Implementation Team is working hard to capture all known Championship Matches as we roll out the NASSA Website.

Should you not see your Championship Match listed, contact your Regional Director, post it on NASSA Facebook, NASSA Forum or click on the link below:

Femeti Schedule
The NASSA Implementation Team will be working closely with Ricard Arellano, our NASSA Mexico Integration Director, to update all the information on the 2023 Upcoming Mexico Championships! Pardon our construction until we complete our work.

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Upcoming Championship Archives
All Upcoming Championships listings from Canada, Mexico and the USA will be archived beginning with 2022. This will continue for subsequent years thereafter (2023, 2024, 2025, etc.) within our databases for your reference.
To view archive records, click on the Upcoming Championship Archives link below: