NASSA’s has put together a conglomerate of News & Multimedia to keep our membership informed on all our NASSA activities.
NASSA Press Releases

The NASSA Implementation Team will periodically publish NASSA Press Releases outlining significant milestones achieved under our NASSA Strategic Implementation Plan. This will include topics such as:
- Announcements of personnel appointments for the NASSA Implementation Team, Regional Directors or various other NASSA Functional Managers supporting our organizational infrastructure.
- Development of significant value-added technical content under the NASSA charter. This could include the piloting of new technology such as performance databases and apps that elevate the Rifle Silhouette discipline.
- Notices of collaborative agreements with kindred organizations, sponsors, industry vendors, and others where there is a mutual mutual benefit.
All these NASSA Press Releases, such as the (2) posts below, are intended to keep our NASSA Membership informed and to build trust as we move closer towards a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporate Governance Model.
NASSA Rifle Benchrest Silhouette Rules Released!February 10, 2025
Rifle Benchrest Silhouette, shot on the same relays as our Standing Silhouette Competitors, has proven to benefit our silhouette sport in both Texas and Louisiana. It does so by filling more relays, increasing attendance and is a great “gateway discipline” to introduce both new and younger shooters, parents as well as giving older senior shooters… Continue reading NASSA Rifle Benchrest Silhouette Rules Released!
SK Lone Star Cup Match Program Released!January 9, 2025
Our Inaugural 2025 SK Lone Star Cup Match Program is Released. Registration is Now Open! The Inaugural 2025 SK Lone Star Cup (SKLSC) will be held at the Bayou Rifles’ Houston Addicks Range on Saturday June 7th & Sunday June 8th, 2025. The SKLSC consists of a 160 shot aggregate Smallbore Silhouette Standard Rifle Match… Continue reading SK Lone Star Cup Match Program Released!
More "NASSA Press Releases" Posts
NASSA Regional Updates

NASSA Regional Updates are a means for all NASSA Regional Directors throughout Canada, Mexico and the USA to communicate and promote what is happening in each of their respective regions. This will include topics such as:
- Promotion of Championship Matches & Results within their regions.
- The introduction of new Rifle Silhouette clubs, programs and new Rifle Silhouette disciplines.
- The announcement of new and/or improved Rifle Silhouette clubs/range facilities that benefit the Rifle Silhouette community.
- The announcement and promotion of new NASSA Regional Initiatives within a given region.
- The dissemination of any other relevant region-based information that would benefit the local Rifle Silhouette community.
Lapua Monarch Cup & NASSA Cananea VisitMay 27, 2024
Club De Tiro Y Caza Cananea, located near the city of Cananea (Sonora, Mexico), celebrated its 85th Anniversary by hosting a two-day festive match on May 18-19, 2024. Daniel Salazar, Lapua Monarch Cup Board President and Chris Cawthorne, Lapua Monarch Cup Board Member & Co-Founder of the North American Silhouette Shooting Association (NASSA), traveled from… Continue reading Lapua Monarch Cup & NASSA Cananea Visit
Benchrest/F-Class Smallbore Silhouette Comes to Texas!November 17, 2023
USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – Benchrest/F-Class Smallbore Silhouette was introduced at the 2023 TSRA Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships held at Bayou Rifles on November 11-12, 2023. Based on the success we had here at our 2023 TSRA Texas State SB Silhouette Championships, Dustin has now committed to adding this discipline to the 2024 Louisiana… Continue reading Benchrest/F-Class Smallbore Silhouette Comes to Texas!
Silhouette & Industry Newswire

NASSA’s mission is to connect you with current Silhouette and industry news on what is going on in the Rifle Silhouette world. This would include posts, videos, podcasts and other media from our Silhouette community, industry news from our sponsors and suppliers or what’s happening within our kindred organizations.
Be patient with us as we build our network of newswire contributors. Meanwhile, click on the link below for a sampling of what to expect in the near future.
NASSA Instagram

NASSA’s first NASSA Youth Programs initiative was the launch of NASSA Instagram in November of 2022. This multimedia platform, popular among our youth, now allows Junior Rifle Silhouette Shooters to network with each other throughout our NASSA Regions in Canada, Mexico and the USA. Now juniors can connect and stay in touch with friends they meet at Championship Matches such as the 2022 NRA Silhouette Nationals in Ridgway, PA.
As a result of this meeting, the NASSA Implementation Team is now working with these same juniors (and parents) to define their role in the administration of NASSA Instagram. Once this role and process is further defined, we will grow and share the administration of NASSA Instagram with select juniors across all NASSA Regions.
To connect with NASSA Instagram, click on the link below:
Click on the link below to find out more about our NASSA YouTube Channel
Click on the link below to find out more about NASSA Instagram and get connected!