“NASSA – An Association Built By Silhouette Shooters For Silhouette Shooters”
To find out more about how you can join as a NASSA Individual Member, NASSA Club Member or be further recognized as a Silhouette Industry Sponsor, please read the following information summarized below:
North American Individual Silhouette Rifle Shooters

As a Rifle Silhouette shooter in North America, you can be automatically enrolled as a NASSA Individual Member AT NO COST TO YOU.
All you have to do is register your name and contact details on the NASSA Website for forum log-in purposes. All such individual contact information will be treated confidentially.
For registering with the NASSA Website, you gain the following benefits:
- The ability to post and reply on our NASSA Forums.
- Future access to advanced features being developed by the NASSA Implementation Team.
- Utilizing NASSA resources to make new silhouette shooting friends and contacts across North America.
On this last benefit, ask an older, experienced competitive silhouette shooter what is the best thing about our Rifle Silhouette sport and the reply is most likely “The wonderful friends I have made in the many years of shooting.” To quote a famous athlete:
“Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust
Jesse Owens (Four Time Gold Medal Winner), 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
If you have any problems registering, please use the CONTACT US link below.
North American Silhouette Rifle Clubs

If you are a North American silhouette club that sponsors silhouette rifle matches in High Power, Smallbore, Air Rifle and/or Lever Action, you can join as a NASSA Club Member AT NO COST TO YOU.
All you have to do is reach out to us to list your club and club profile on our NASSA Regions/Clubs link. You can do this by contacting your local NASSA Regional Director or use the Contact US link below.
The NASSA Implementation Team and newly appointed NASSA Regional Directors will also be proactively reaching out to silhouette clubs as we further expand our NASSA website.
Some of the benefits of being a NASSA Club Member are:
- Your club name and club profile listed on the NASSA Website for increased visibility.
- Your upcoming Championship Match Programs and Championship Match Results listed on our website to improve match attendance.
- Your upcoming club matches listed on the website to help increase exposure and attendance (future feature).
- NASSA Regional Initiatives that directly or indirectly support and benefit your local silhouette club.
- The satisfaction of being an integral part of something bigger than just an individual Rifle Silhouette club.
We are working to get all silhouette clubs listed. If you do not see your club listed or your club profile is not fully filled out, please contact your Regional Director or reach out to us on the CONTACT US link below:
World-Wide Silhouette Rifle Shooters

North American Rifle Silhouette shooters share one big thing with our brethren Silhouette shooters around the World – A great love of our Rifle Silhouette Sport!
While NASSA Individual Membership is reserved for Rifle Silhouette Shooters from North America, we welcome you to follow us on our NASSA journey and share in the exchange of information.
You can register on the NASSA Website (country of origin requested) which gives you the ability to post and reply on our NASSA Forums AT NO COST TO YOU.
If you have problems registering, please use the CONTACT US link below:
Our Silhouette Industry Sponsors

Last but not least are our Silhouette Industry Sponsors. Whether you are a Silhouette shooter owning a small business supplying services/products to our sport or are a larger Corporate entity, you are a valued Silhouette partner and part of our NASSA family.
Some of the benefits of being a Silhouette Industry Sponsor are:
- For our Silhouette Industry Sponsors that continually supply significant prize table donations to North American Championship Matchs, reciprocity from NASSA will come in the form of free sponsor advertisement on our NASSA Website.
- Advertisement will be in the form of promotion on our Links page and brand logo banners (live links) that appear on all website posts throughout the NASSA Website.
- Our Small Business and Industry Sponsors are also welcome to post NASSA Blogs in our NASSA Technical Library to discuss your products and/or services from a technical perspective, as long as the blog content contributes to the technical development of our shooting community.
- NASSA has also introduced a Silhouette & Industry Newswire on our News and Multimedia Link. If you send us Press Releases related to our Rifle Silhouette sport, we will promptly post your press releases on our Silhouette & Industry Newswire.
If you are a repeat contributor to our Championship Match Prize Tables and do not see your business listed on our website or wish to become a Championship Match Prize Donor, please contact your local NASSA Regional Director or contact us on the link below to inquire about advertising your business.