This NASSA USA Region services Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. Below you will find information regarding silhouette clubs in the South Central Region.

USA South Central Regional Contacts

Chris Cawthorne – South Central Regional Director
Email: chris@nassasilhoutte.org

Allen Corneau – South Central Regional Calendar Manager
Email: (Pending)
South Central State Silhouette Representatives:
Dustin Flint
Stan Henry
Emmett Dibble (TSRA SB Director)
Brandon Marsh (TSRA HP Director)
Tim & Judy Lee (TSRA Lever Gun Directors)
2023-2024 South Central Regional Initiatives (Preliminary)
The South Central Regional Director will work together with the South Central State Silhouette Representatives to establish 2023-2024 South Central Regional Initiatives to promote the growth of Rifle Silhouette in the region. The South Central Regional Director will also work with other NASSA Regional Directors when appropriate to leverage resources where mutual cooperation is beneficial. A preliminary listing of initiatives has been developed and will be reviewed and finalized for the years 2023-2024 as follows:
- Capture all local club matches within the South Central Region to increase visibility and participation at the club match level. This shall be achieved by the piloting and eventual introduction of Google Calendar Software (or equivalent) within all States in the South Central Region.
- Increase the level of participation of our Junior Rifle Silhouette Shooters throughout the South Central Region. This shall be achieved through development and piloting of training/outreach programs for existing 4H Clubs in identified areas of greatest potential.
- Expand the Air Rifle Silhouette Discipline throughout the South Central Region. This shall be achieved by collaborating with other organizations and suppliers, developing new innovative scoring/database processes, building new range capacity and promoting more championship and local club matches throughout the South Central Region.
- Develop New Complementary Silhouette Rifle Disciplines across the South Central Region to grow new participation in our club and championship matches. This shall be achieved by the solicitation of local clubs willing to test disciplines such as Benchrest/F-Class Silhouette, as well as trialing these disciplines at various 4-H locations in Louisiana and Texas.
- Develop a Highpower Silhouette Championship & Local Match Circuit across the South Central Region. This shall be achieved by the solicitation of local clubs willing to expand HP Silhouette range capacity, creating new HP Silhouette championship and club matches, coordination of calendars for such matches, and promoting various new HP disciplines such as Half-Course HP Silhouette.
Regional Club Match Calendar
Allen Corneau maintains the Texas Silhouette Calendar you can access by clicking on the link below.
Google Calendar software (or equivalent) will be developed by the NASSA Implementation Team for all NASSA Regions to utilize this software for listing club matches.
You will be able to access the calendars on each Regions/Clubs webpage as shown with the link below and example on the right.
For reference, click on the link below to access the Texas Match Silhouette Calendar:

Texas Silhouette Match Calendar
Silhouette Gun Club Listings & NRA Affiliated State Organizations
Below you will find Rifle Silhouette gun clubs listings & links to gun club profiles for the USA South Central Region. Your NASSA Implementation Team is working hard to capture all known gun clubs in this Region that offer a Rifle Silhouette Program.
We have also included all NRA Affiliated State Organizations with links to their websites. Your NASSA Implementation Team carefully reviewed all these State Organization websites and have concluded there is a substantial opportunity to insure Rifle Silhouette disciplines are included as content.

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association
The Arkansas Rifle and Pistol Association (ARPA) was formed in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation to perform the following functions:
- Act as the state wide sanctioning agent for the NRA and CMP matches.
- To promote and protect the 2nd amendment right of our citizens.
- To promote and encourage youth shooting sports in our state.
- To help the passage of the concealed carry act.
- To help members purchase items through the CMP.
- To help build a future with firearms for our children.
- Coordinate club activities across the state

Benton Gun Club, Inc. (Benton, AR)
Benton Gun Club’s range facilities consist of almost 200 acres of land with eight outdoor shooting ranges. There are over a dozen shooting disciplines, with competitive matches in each discipline. Benton Gun Club is a private member owned, NRA affiliated club with their matches open to the general public.
Old Fort Gun Club (Ft. Smith, AR)

The Old Fort Gun Club is an organization based in Fort Smith, Arkansas, with over 900 family memberships. Goals are to support Second Amendment rights, encourage safe and efficient handling of firearms, to promote the shooting sports for people of all ages and ability, and provide a convenient and safe location for our members and guests to practice and compete with their firearms.
The Old Fort Gun Club is an affiliate club of the National Rifle Association, but NRA membership is NOT required for membership in the Old Fort Gun Club. Club matches in Silhouette Lever Action in Smallbore and Pistol calibers are conducted at this club for a nominal fee.

Kansas State Rifle Association
The Kansas State Rifle Association has led the charge to defend the 2nd Amendment, and halt the radical anti-gun agenda in Kansas. The KSRA works around the clock to hold politicians accountable for anti-gun positions and votes. Since 1928, the KSRA has been a force for responsible gun ownership and the shooting sports. The KSRA has made great strides in defending the 2nd Amendment, as written. The KSRA is the chartered Kansas Affiliate of the NRA.

Louisiana Shooting Association
LSA is an avid supporter of silhouette rifle sports and sanctions Silhouette State Championships in the Lever Action, High Power and Smallbore Silhouette Disciplines.
Dustin Flint
LSA Silhouette Director

Bayou Airgun Club (Baton Rouge, LA)
The Bayou Airgun Club was established in 1989 with the intention to sponsor a safe place to shoot air guns, promote the sport through hosting local and nationally recognized events, provide instruction and education to anyone who is interested, and to enjoy camaraderie amongst fellow shooters.

EASL Smallbore Silhouette Club (Gonzales, LA)
EASL Smallbore Silhouette Club is associated with the East Ascension Sportsman’s League (EASL) out of Ascension Parish. The EASL Smallbore Silhouette Club holds regular smallbore silhouette matches on the 4th Saturday of the month at the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Range on Landry Road across from the Lamar Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales.

Team Hatch Shooting Facility (Jonesboro, LA)
Team Hatch Shooting Facility was born from what was once a part of a family chicken farm. After production ceased, a “wild idea” was conceived to create an indoor air rifle silhouette range that would be void of any wind conditions. The conversion to a range was soon underway and it is now home to the famous “Coop Shoot”!

The Fusilier Complex (Arnaudville, LA)
The Fusilier Complex is a non-profit, private, members only range providing a safe and enjoyable place for rifle, handgun and shotgun shooters. The club was formed in 2002 after the old Hub City Rifle and Pistol Club lost its lease on their property near Lafayette, Louisiana.

Toledo Bend Silhouette Shooters (Zwolle, LA)
Toledo Bend Silhouette Shooters hosts the Annual Louisiana Silhouette High Power Championships in Zwolle, LA. This match has the distinction of being the LONGEST RUNNING SILHOUETTE MATCH IN THE USA!

Top Shot Shooting Facility (Jonesboro, LA)
The Top Shot Shooting Facility offers Rifle Silhouette club matches in both Smallbore Standard and Hunter Rifle as well as Lever Action Silhouette in smallbore, pistol cartridge and rifle cartridge calibers.

Missouri Sport Shooting Association
The mission of the Missouri Sport Shooting Association (MSSA) is to protect and preserve the shooting sports at the state level bythe following actions:
- MSSA will promote and improve the shooting sports by sponsoring marksmanship training and competitions throughout the state of Missouri.
- MSSA will work for the rights of the gun owner, shooter, collector, hunter, archer, black powder enthusiast, and trapper.
- MSSA will support the free exchange of ideas, information and education related to gun ownership, shooting, hunting, firearms and related topics.Sport Shooting Association

Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis (Wright City, Mo.)

Pioneer Gun Club (Kansas City, MO)

Oklahoma Rifle Association
The Oklahoma Rifle Association sanctions Silhouette State Championships in the Lever Action Silhouette Discipline and supports the shooting sports as follows:
- Serves as the guiding force in youth programs, such as: the Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program, the Youth Hunter Education Challenge, and an information center on Hunter Education courses.
- Creates new shooting programs such as the ORA Challenge Matches which are geared to the average and beginning shooter; supports and publicizes innovative matches such as the Bolt Action Military Rifle matches and the Military Revolver matches.
- Publishes a bi-monthly magazine, the Sharpshooter, for shooters and sportsmen in Oklahoma. Articles are geared to the interests of Oklahoma gunowners and hunters, i.e., Great Guns, the Oklahoma Sportsman, state-wide shooting schedules and events, pending legislation, concealed carry updates, and more!
- Provides information and guidance on: range construction to both civilians and law enforcement, state firearms laws, and other items of concern to Oklahoma gunowners.

Oklahoma City Gun Club (Oklahoma City, OK)
Oklahoma City Gun Club, incorporated in 1958, has long served the local community by providing supervised facilities for firearms shooting, giving instruction in the safe handling and proper care of firearms, teaching better marksmanship, and hosting numerous competitions that are open to the public. ……

Tulsa Red Castle Gun Club (Tulsa, OK)
Tulsa Red Castle Gun Club was established in 1963 and at 640-acres is the most complete shooting range facility in Oklahoma. The club was established in cooperation with the Zink Foundation utilizing a portion of the Zink Ranch near beautiful Skiatook Lake.

Texas State Rifle Association
TSRA is an avid supporter of Rifle Silhouette sports and sanctions Silhouette State Championships in the Lever Action, High Power and Smallbore Silhouette disciplines.
Judy Lee
Lever Action Rifle Silhouette Director
Tim Lee
Lever Action Rifle Silhouette Director
Brandon Marsh
High Power Silhouette Director
Emmett Dibble
Smallbore Rifle Silhouette Director

The Austin Rifle Club, Inc. (Manor, TX)
The Austin Rifle Club, established in 1894 and incorporated in 1928, is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to the shooting sports and the education of America’s youth in the areas of shooting and safe gun handling. They are just outside of Austin in the town of Manor, Texas.

Bayou Rifles Inc. (Houston, TX)
Bayou Rifles, established in 1936, has long been a mecca for shooting sports serving the Greater Houston Area. After the end of World War II, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) was set up by Congress and was instructed to make lands available to civilian organizations such as Bayou Rifles.

Central Texas Silueta Association (New Braunfels, Texas)

Golden Triangle Gun Club, Inc. (Beaumont, Texas)
Golden Triangle Gun Club is a private, members-only 100% NRA gun club with a membership of over 1600 individual members. The club offers its members and their families or guests eight different shooting ranges for shotgun, pistol, pellet gun, small and large bore rifle shooting.

Haltom City Rifle & Pistol Club (Haltom City, Texas)

PSC Shooting Club (Friendswood, Texas)
PSC Shooting Club, founded in 1966, is one of the finest shooting clubs in Texas. It is also one of the largest serving almost 3,700 Members as well as the community. Club facilities include a “position” rifle range, a bench-rest rifle range, .22 rimfire range for rifle and pistol, numerous pistol cells and pistol bays, air gun range, shotgun ranges and even an archery range.

Tejas Silhouette Shooters (El Paso, Texas)
Tejas Silhouette Shooters, a non-profit 501(c)(3) club, promotes all shooting sports through the practice of responsible firearm ownership, safety, and training, while building strong community partnerships through educational shooting events and outreach programs.