The PSC Shooting Club, Inc. was founded in 1966 and it is one of the finest shooting clubs in Texas. It is also one of the largest serving almost 3,700 Members as well as the community. Club facilities include a “position” rifle range, a bench-rest rifle range, .22 rimfire range for rifle and pistol, numerous pistol cells and pistol bays, air gun range, shotgun ranges and even an archery range. Club facilities are available to members during regular hours seven days a week.
Special events including numerous matches, educational programs and other specialty events are open to the public. are a great way to hone skills and PSC offers monthly IDPA, USPSA, NRA rifle, and silhouette matches. Whether you shoot to compete or simply to improve your skill at arms, club monthly matches provide great opportunities and comradery.
Contact Information
Website: | www.pscshootingclub.com |
Facebook: | PSC Shooting Club |
Business Address: | Xxxx |
Range Location: | Xxxx |
Primary Contact: | Xxxx |
Primary Contact Phone: | Xxxx |
Primary Contact Email: | Xxxx |
Silhouette Range Capabilities
Disciplines: | Range Facilites: |
Smallbore Rifle | 3 Banks of each animal |
High Power Rifle | Not available |
Lever Action Rifle | Xxxxx |
Air Rifle | 2 banks of each animal |