NASSA Regional Updates are a means for all NASSA Regional Directors throughout Canada, Mexico and the USA to communicate and promote what is happening in each of their respective regions. This will include topics such as:
- Promotion of Championship Matches & Results within their regions.
- The introduction of new Rifle Silhouette clubs, programs and new Rifle Silhouette disciplines.
- The announcement of new and/or improved Rifle Silhouette clubs/range facilities that benefit the Rifle Silhouette community.
- The announcement and promotion of new NASSA Regional Initiatives within a given region.
- The dissemination of any other relevant region-based information that would benefit the local Rifle Silhouette community.
Lapua Monarch Cup & NASSA Cananea VisitMay 27, 2024
Club De Tiro Y Caza Cananea, located near the city of Cananea (Sonora, Mexico), celebrated its 85th Anniversary by hosting a two-day festive match on May 18-19, 2024. Daniel Salazar, Lapua Monarch Cup Board President and Chris Cawthorne, Lapua Monarch Cup Board Member & Co-Founder of the North American Silhouette Shooting Association (NASSA), traveled from… Continue reading Lapua Monarch Cup & NASSA Cananea Visit
Benchrest/F-Class Smallbore Silhouette Comes to Texas!November 17, 2023
USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – Benchrest/F-Class Smallbore Silhouette was introduced at the 2023 TSRA Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships held at Bayou Rifles on November 11-12, 2023. Based on the success we had here at our 2023 TSRA Texas State SB Silhouette Championships, Dustin has now committed to adding this discipline to the 2024 Louisiana… Continue reading Benchrest/F-Class Smallbore Silhouette Comes to Texas!
Short-Course Highpower Silhouette Comes to ZwolleOctober 14, 2023
NASSA USA South Central Region – The 48th Annual Louisiana State HP Silhouette Championship at Zwolle, LA concluded on October 7th-8th, 2023. This famous match, simply know as “Zwolle” to those that regularly attend, is the longest continuous running Silhouette match in the USA. Match Director Dustin Flint included a special treat on the Friday… Continue reading Short-Course Highpower Silhouette Comes to Zwolle
2023 Texas State Highpower Silhouette ChampionshipsJuly 12, 2023
USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – The Central Texas Silhouette Association (CTSA) hosted the 2023 Texas State Rifle Association’s Highpower Silhouette Championship on May 20-21, 2023 in New Braunfels, Texas. The match format was an 80-shot hunter rifle match on Saturday followed by a single 40-shot standard rifle match on Sunday. This year the match was… Continue reading 2023 Texas State Highpower Silhouette Championships
Juniors Excel at the Spindletop Regional!April 7, 2023
USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – The 2023 Spindletop Silhouette Smallbore/Air Rifle Regional, held on March 31st through April 2nd, was the first of the outdoor Smallbore Championship Matches of the 2023 South Central shooting season. This match, in its 3rd year of existence, is held at the fine range facilities of the Golden Triangle Gun… Continue reading Juniors Excel at the Spindletop Regional!
Records Shattered at the Coop Shoot!March 8, 2023
USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – The 2023 Coop Shoot Air Rifle Indoor Regional, held on February 25th-26th, kicked off the 2023 Rifle Silhouette Season with a bang! The Coop Shoot has a history of breaking NRA National Records and this match was no exception! THIS IS NOW THE ONLY REGISTERED SILHOUETTE AIR RIFLE INDOOR MATCH… Continue reading Records Shattered at the Coop Shoot!
Sporting Rifle Silhouette Comes to the USANovember 24, 2022
USA SOUTWEST REGION – Remember the name Sporting Rifle (Open Sights) Silhouette. It probably doesn’t mean anything to most of you, although is an extremely popular smallbore rifle silhouette discipline in the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California. Open sights are usually attached to the front and rear barrel rather than on the action… Continue reading Sporting Rifle Silhouette Comes to the USA
2022 Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships
USA SOUTH CENTRAL REGION – The 2022 Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships, held on November 12th-13th of 2022, finished up the last smallbore silhouette championship match of our season in style! As you can see from the group photo, we had a great turnout with 46 shooters coming from Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Coahuila (Mexico) and… Continue reading 2022 Texas State Smallbore Silhouette Championships