This NASSA USA Region services Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Below you will find information regarding silhouette clubs in the Southeast Region.

USA Southeast Regional Contacts

Matt Judd – Southeast Regional Director
Email: Matt@nassasilhouette.org

TBD – Southeast Regional Calendar Manager
Southeast State Silhouette Representatives:
North Carolina
South Carolina
2023-2024 Southeast Regional Initiatives (Preliminary)
The Southeast Regional Director will work together with the Southeast State Silhouette Representatives to establish 2023-2024 Southeast Regional Initiatives to promote the growth of Rifle Silhouette in the region. The Southeast Regional Director will also work with other NASSA Regional Directors when appropriate to leverage resources where mutual cooperation is beneficial.
Since Matt Judd has just taken up his position as the Southeast Regional Director, we can take a quote from his NASSA Press Release on where his priorities are at this point in time:
“I am excited for the opportunity to be part of not only the Southeast Region of NASSA, but also excited to take part in seeing the sport we love grow and flourish. We have a great collection of clubs, match directors and folks who love silhouette and I expect many great things to come!!”
“Looking forward to spending the first few months meeting and getting to know local match directors as well as other silhouette shooters in the Southeast Region. Also planning on working with the South Central Regional Director as well match director, Dustin Flint, at their upcoming Shamrock Air Rifle Silhouette Regional in March 2023 on ways to import and implement more air rifle silhouette to our region.”
Regional Club Match Calendar
Google Calendar software (or equivalent) will be developed by the NASSA Implementation Team for all NASSA Regions to utilize this software for listing club matches.
You will be able to access the calendars here on each Regions/Clubs webpage as shown with the example link below and the image on the right.

Example (Texas Silhouette Club Match Calendar)
Silhouette Gun Club Listings & NRA Affiliated State Organizations
Below you will find silhouette gun clubs listings & links to gun club profiles for the USA South Central Region. Your NASSA Implementation Team is working hard to capture all known gun clubs in this Region that offer a Rifle Silhouette Program.
We have also included all NRA Affiliated State Organizations with links to their websites. Your NASSA Implementation Team carefully reviewed all these State Organization websites and have concluded there is a substantial opportunity to insure Rifle Silhouette disciplines are included as content.

Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association
(No information available)

Florida Sport Shooting Association
The Florida Sport Shooting Association was founded in 1986 as Florida’s NRA State Association working in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the NRA. With regards to shooting sports:
The FSSA promotes marksmanship practice both as a sport and as a fundamental aspect of national defense, sponsor State Championship Tournaments and promote all other shooting Sectional and Regional Championships and other competitions, and promote all the shooting sports.
The FSSA encourages the acceptance of marksmanship as a major competitive sport in the State’s publicly and privately endowed school systems, both secondary and collegiate, and support the Civilian Marksmanship Program of the Department of Defense. We encourage member clubs to also enroll and participate in the CMP.
The FSSA assists in the planning, construction, acquisition, and preservation of civilian-owned shooting ranges of all types.
Chuluota Sportsmen’s Club (Chuluota, FL)


Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club (Jacksonville, FL)
Seminole County Gun & Archery Association (Geneva, FL)

The Seminole County Gun & Archery Association (SCGAA) is an organization operated by member-volunteers. SCGAA’s shooting range is located in northeastern Seminole County. The facility features shooting ranges for rifle, competitive events, pistol, plinking, and archery. Silhouette Lever Action club matches are conducted in all three rifles (smallbore, pistol and centerfire rifle cartridges).

Georgia Sports Shooting Association
The Georgia Sport Shooting Association is dedicated to the overall support and promotion of sport shooting as well as the development of juniors interested in pursuing sport shooting for passion through our foundation and scholarship fund.
As the State NRA Association, GSSA is your State of Georgia connection to the NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division which offers a wide range of activities in all types of shooting, for everyone from the novice to the world-class competitor.
The Georgia Sport Shooting Association is focused on the development of our nation’s youth and their interest in sport shooting activities. With a scholarship assistance program geared towards financial assistance for attendees of colleges across the nation, ROTC members, and youth interested in state or regional shooting competitions. We support all shooting programs across the nation.

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association
Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association (MSFOA) is the officially chartered MS State Association of the National Rifle Association, and as such:
- Sanctions all NRA MS State Championship Matches.
- Promotes and supports the legitimate ownership and use of firearms and related activities.
- Maintains close liaison with State and Federal legislators to help insure the
- “The right to keep and bear arms.”
- Sponsors and promotes sportsmanship and marksmanship by conducting various competitions.
- Provides technical assistance in construction of ranges as personnel and funds are available.
- Promotes all legitimate forms of hunting, and the wise and efficient use of wildlife resources.
- Provides firearm training, and is the best resource on where shooting ranges are located in Mississippi.

North Carolina Rifle and Pistol Association
North Carolina Rifle and Pistol Association (NCRPA) was established in 1938 as the sole state-wide organization affiliated with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).
Our mission is to protect and preserve our Second Amendment right to bear arms and to promote and preserve the shooting sports, the safe use and storage of firearms, and the principles of marksmanship and self-defense.
We put you in touch and keep you in touch — face to face, voice to voice, email to email — with gun owners, competitive shooters, shooting clubs, gun shops, firearms trainers, and other advocates for the free and dutiful exercise of Second Amendment rights enumerated in both the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State of North Carolina.

Asheville Rifle and Pistol Club

Gun Owners of South Carolina
The primary purpose of the Association is to provide the citizens of this state with educational endeavors in the proper use of firearms through qualified instruction in all aspects of the shooting sports, open forums, organization of local clubs, and to promote and support the legitimate ownership and use of firearms and those activities as provided under the laws of the State of South Carolina and to identify and maintain communication with the individuals and organizations interested in promoting the purposes of the Association.

Memphis Sport Shooting Association (Lakeland, TN)

Memphis Sport Shooting Association, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to the training of its members in the safe and proper use of firearms for sporting purposes. In time of war or national emergency, our members form an effective agency for training those eligible for military service in the use of firearms.
MSSA is affiliated with the National Rifle Association and with the Civilian Marksmanship Program. It was incorporated in 1986. MSSA was previously the Memphis Rifle and Revolver Association, which was incorporated in 1936.