The inspiration to become a champion shooter starts with an evocation; the process of bringing an image of perceived success to the conscience mind. Often the evocation is inspired by an object, a person and/or an event on what might be possible to achieve. This then provides the motivation necessary to achieve the desired outcome.
Championship shooters have a tremendous drive to excel and with it the dedication to achieve their goals. In our continuing series of Inspirational Blogs, we will explore sources of inspiration that drive many of our Master Shooters in their quest for excellence.
“It takes 3-4 years to learn how to shoot, and another 3-4 years to learn how to win – to deal with the match pressure. It takes several more years to learn how to do it when it counts.”
Lt. Col. Lones W. Wigger – US Army Marksmanship Unit
Who’s Gonna Carry The BoatsDecember 20, 2022
The sport of silhouette is going to be exactly what we make it. Let’s work together to make it great! “Who’s gonna carry the boats?” — David Goggins Former Navy SEAL and general bad-to-the-bone tough guy David Goggins developed this mantra during Navy BUD/S training (SEALS basic training). As part of that training, candidates are… Continue reading Who’s Gonna Carry The Boats
Lones W. Wigger, Jr. – The Making of a ChampionJune 5, 2022
Many Silhouette shooters had the pleasure of shooting with Lones W. Wigger, Jr. over the years. While Silhouette was not his primary focus, he did love our game and was a two-time winner of the NRA High Power Silhouette National Championships. He was also a four-time Olympian and the most decorated shooter in the history… Continue reading Lones W. Wigger, Jr. – The Making of a Champion
A Chat with Chris WinsteadMay 25, 2022
We meet many people such as Chris Winstead in this Silhouette Sport that inspire us through their deeds and actions. In this 2nd blog in our Inspiration Series, I talked with Chris, well known in the silhouette world for his knowledge of our sport and coaching/spotting for his daughter Cathy Winstead-Severin to an unprecedented level… Continue reading A Chat with Chris Winstead