NASSA has plans to expand and enhance Championship Equipment Surveys for several different reasons:
- Many Silhouette shooters are interested in what rifles, sights, actions, bullets, powder and other critical components are trending and being used by Silhouette shooters across North America. New shooters might need help selecting the right equipment from the start. More experienced shooters are looking for similar recommendations to improve their performance, such as getting into Master Class or winning that Championship Match!
- Our Industry Sponsors are always looking for relevant data such as product marketshare and relative product performance against competitors in the rifle silhouette disciplines. Our Industry Sponsors contribute to our prize tables, so it is imperative we work with them to provide the best sources of equipment survey data.
- We could make a case that existing championship surveys fall short in addressing the (2) points noted above. Our surveys typically tally a list of equipment/components all competitors are using in a given championship match. From this data, you can calculate total brand marketshare within a given equipment/component category. What is missing is the performance data. For example, surveys do not indicate what the top (10) shooters are using so our Industry Sponsors are not getting optimum product performance metrics. Adding some categories, such as barrel brand for High Power, might also add to useful performance data.
Over the course of 2023, the NASSA Implementation Team will be working with our Industry Sponsors, NASSA Regional Directors and Championship Match Directors to optimize and expand on the equipment survey process that better serves the needs of our NASSA Membership. This will result in the eventual buildout of a Championship Match Survey Database to be posted within this webpage.
Until we get the Championship Match Survey Database up and running, we will continue to post recent equipment survey results for our NASSA Membership.
2022 NRA National Silhouette Championships

2022 NRA National Smallbore Silhouette Championships

2022 NRA National High Power Silhouette Championships

2022 NRA National Lever Action Silhouette Championships
(No Equipment Surveys Available)
2021 NRA National Silhouette Championships

2021 NRA National Smallbore Silhouette Championships

2021 NRA National High Power Silhouette Championships

2021 NRA National Lever Action Silhouette Championships