This NASSA USA Region services Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. Below you will find information regarding silhouette clubs in the Southwest Region.

USA Southwest Regional Contacts

TBD – Southwest Regional Director

TBD – Southwest Regional Calendar Manager
Southwest State Silhouette Representatives:
New Mexico
2023 – 2024 Southwest Regional Initiatives (Pending)
The Southwest Regional Director will work together with the Southwest State Silhouette Representatves to establish the 2023-2024 Southwest Regional Initiatives to promote the growth of Rifle Silhouette in the region. The Southwest Regional Director will also work with other NASSA Regional Directors when appropriate to leverage resources where mutual cooperation is beneficial.
(Regional Initiatives Pending the Appointment of the Southwest Regional Director)
Regional Club Match Calendar
Google Calendar software (or equivalent) will be developed by the NASSA Implementation Team for all NASSA Regions to utilize this software for listing club matches.
You will be able to access the calendars here on each Regions/Clubs webpage as shown with the example link below and the image on the right.

Example (Texas Silhouette Club Match Calendar)
Silhouette Gun Club Listings & NRA Affiliated State Organizations
Below you will find silhouette gun clubs listings & links to gun club profiles for the USA Southwest Region. Your NASSA Implementation Team is working hard to capture all known gun clubs in this Region that offer a Rifle Silhouette Program.
We have also included all NRA Affiliated State Organizations with links to their websites. Your NASSA Implementation Team carefully reviewed all these State Organization websites and have concluded there is a substantial opportunity to insure rifle silhouette disciplines are included as content.

Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association
The Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association (ASRPA) supports Rifle Ssilhouette through (2) ASRPA Divisions:
(1) The ASRPA Lever Action Rifle Division that sponsors the Arizona State Lever Action Championship in the (3) calibers of smallbore, pistol cartridge and rifle cartridge. Contact Jeanie Hershey at cowgirl3220(at)gmail.com for more information.
(2) The ASRPA Rifle Silhouette Division that sponsors (2) ASRPA State Rifle Silhouette Championship in both Smallbore and Highpower. Contact John Mullins at johnwes121(at)gmail.com for more information.

Hassayampa Rifle Silhouette Club (Phoenix, AZ)
Hassayampa Rifle Silhouette Club was incorporated in Arizona in 1976 as the Hassayampa Rod and Gun Club. The 5th NRA National Metallic Silhouette Championship was hosted by the Club in 1977 at Black Canyon Range in Phoenix, AZ (now known as Ben Avery Shooting Facility).

California Rifle and Pistol Association
CRPA promotes the recreational shooting sports, and hosts hundreds of “fun shoots” and competitive shoots annually. CRPA works with special interest shooting programs and promotes the shooting sports to the next generation.
CRPA provides safety, education, and skills training, and makes gun safety information available. They host an on-site training center, take education across the state, and provide video training in specific topics.
CRPA organizes and sanctions competitive shooting matches for both adult and junior shooters, including Olympic Training Programs and State Championships. CRPA sanctions State Championship Matches in many shooting disciplines. CRPA is proud to say that many CRPA competitors are among the best in the world.
Konocti Rod & Gun Club (Lakeport, CA)

The Konocti Rod & Gun Club was established in 1958. We are a family oriented organization with shared interests in the shooting sports, hunting and fishing. A membership with the Konocti Rod & Gun Club gives you access to our joint shooting range with the Sheriffs Dept. It also gives you the chance to participate in members-only shooting events.
We host a variety of events from competitive rifle matches to youth shooting sports to open handgun shooting events. This includes Silhouette Rifle Smallbore and Lever Gun club matches.

Los Angeles Silhouette Club (Sylmar, CA)

Colorado State Shooting Association
The Colorado State Shooting Association, a non-profit organization supported by membership fees and recognized by the National Rifle Association, has the following purpose and objectives:
- To promote social welfare and public safety, law, order, and national defense.
- To encourage the lawful ownership and use of firearms by citizens of good repute.
- To coordinate the program of the National Rifle Association in the State of Colorado.
- To promote hunter safety and hunter safety laws.
- To promote conservation of wildlife and other natural resources.
- To coordinate efforts of all citizens, clubs and organizations in Colorado in their efforts to preserve the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Nevada Firearms Coalition
A membership organization of firearms owners, supporters, users, public and private gun clubs and commercial shooting sports enterprises who are interested in promoting and protecting the ownership and safe use of firearms for self-defense, competition, recreation and hunting.
Actively involved through their NVFAC Political Action Committee of working with the Nevada Legislature and City, Towns and Counties in Nevada to ensure that our rights are protected and that all firearms laws are fair and apply to all citizens of the state.
Actively involved in Education, Training, Competitions and Conservation activities. These are supported by their NVFAC FOUNDATION which is funded by tax deductible donations.
The NRA’s State Association and members of National Shooting Sports Foundation, Civilian Marksmanship Program and USA Shooting.

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association
The New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA) supports competitive shooting and is a Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Affiliated Member. Competition is embedded in several sections of the NMSSA Mission Statement:
Section (3) – To promote competitive shooting events.
Section (4) – To serve as the Official State Association of the National Rifle Association of America, and to cooperate with other organizations of good repute in carrying out the activities.
Section (5) – To coordinate and encourage the efforts of member clubs, individuals and the general public in the fields of firearms safety, marksmanship training, and recreational shooting.

High-Lonesome Silhouette Club (Hobbs, NM)

Utah State Rifle and Pistol Association
USR&PA is a club affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA, the foremost guardian of the traditional American right to “keep and bear arms” believes every law-abiding citizen is entitled to the ownership and legal use of firearms, and that every reputable gun owner should be an NRA Member. The Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association fully agrees with these principles