NASSA’s first NASSA Youth Programs initiative was the launch of NASSA Instagram in November of 2022. This multimedia platform, popular among our youth, now allows Junior Rifle Silhouette Shooters to network with each other throughout our NASSA Regions in Canada, Mexico and the USA. Now juniors can connect and stay in touch with friends they meet at Championship Matches such as the 2022 NRA Silhouette Nationals in Ridgway, PA.
As a result of this meeting, the NASSA Implementation Team is now working with these same juniors (and parents) to define their role in the administration of NASSA Instagram. Once this role and process is further defined, we will grow and share the administration of NASSA Instagram with select juniors across all NASSA Regions.
To connect with NASSA Inshttps://www.instagram.com/nassasilhouette/tagram, click on the link below: