Our intent is to give you some technical insights into choosing the type and brand of air rifle pellets for competing in the Silhouette Target, Sporter and Open Air Rifle Classes. Just like the Silhouette Highpower Rifle & Cartridge combination, a certain level of knowledge (and experience) is useful to get all the performance out of your air rifle/pellet combination. Do not hesitate to ask your questions in our NASSA Forum or other Air Rifle Forums listed in our NASSA Links page.
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Diabolo Air Rifle Pellet Design

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Today there are many different forms of ammunition, including bullets and round lead balls, but we would like to focus on the diabolo bullet and its variations. The Diabolo pellet shape is probably one of the most common pellet designs nowadays. Also known as a “waisted” or “wasp-waist”, it features a waist that is narrower than its head and skirt. The head of the pellet is usually solid, while the skirt is hollow. This specialized design contributes to the main qualities: stability and accuracy. These pellets are available in all popular calibers such as .177, .22. and also in .20, .25.


Air Rifle Pellets for Silhouette Competition

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We are working on this section as fast as we can.
Pellets used in 10-Meter International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) matches are called diablo hour-glass in shape and flat nosed in configuration and typically weigh between xx.x and xx.x grams. These diablo “wad-cutter type pellets” are made for punching round holes in paper targets in an indoor environment.
Today there are many different forms of ammunition, including bullets and round lead balls, but we would like to focus on the diabolo bullet and its variations. The Diabolo pellet shape is probably one of the most common pellet designs nowadays. Also known as a “waisted” or “wasp-waist”, it features a waist that is narrower than its head and skirt. The head of the pellet is usually solid, while the skirt is hollow. This specialized design contributes to the main qualities: stability and accuracy. These pellets are available in all popular calibers such as .177, .22. and also in .20, .25.
Types of Airgun Pellets
Airgun pellets are further divided into different groups according to their head design. The basic of them are wadcutter, round-nose, pointed, and hollow-point pellets. Below there’s information about all of these head designs, how they differ and what usage is considered best for that particular design.
Domed Pellets
The Domed pellet is also known as round-headed, because of its rounded nose. It is generally accepted as an excellent all-around pellet for most applications such as hunting, clinking, target shooting, or just messing around in the backyard. Roundhead pellets are more aerodynamic than other types. So they are able to cut through the air straighter and maintain their velocity over longer distances. One more advantage of this pellet is that it is much more accurate than other types in windy conditions.
Pellets best used for silhouette air rifle, as well as the sport of field target, have domed heads

.177 caliber to minimize damage to the steel targets. Guideline of xx ft.lbs (nM) maximum energy. >22 calibers are starting to appear in some matches…guidleline of energy.
- 7.3, 7.7, 8.5 and 10.3 doomed pellets and flat pellets

H&N Online Ballistics and Pellet Selector

H&N has recently introduced their Online Ballistics and Pellet Selector to aid the Silhouette air rifle shooter just as various ballistics programs exist for Silhouette Highpower shooters.
Considering that wind is not your friend, having this type of program can best help sort out what the best pellets combinations are for you to optimize hits on the steel animals.
The H&N Online Ballistics Ballistics and Pellet sorter allows the Silhouette shooter to chose various H&N diabolo pellets from a library of H&N pellets for testing and evaluation purposes. Ballistic outputs include energy, velocity and ballistic curves for each pellet chosen. Armed with a pellet chronograph, you can input the air rifle muzzle velocity, caliber and the distance you are testing. There is also a correction factor by selecting the range at which you sighted-in the scope and the height of the scope above the bore.
The online program is easy to use and can save you much testing time to find the best suitable pellets to shoot in your Silhouette air rifle.

Click on the link below to access the H&N Online Ballistics and Pellet Selector

For a HARD AIR MAGAZINE review of the H&N Online Ballistics and Pellet Selector, click on the link below: